Authentic Japanese Cuisine by Japanese Chef Shige
After almost 40 years of Shige Restaurant in Perth, the time has come for Shige to hang up his chef’s hat and apron for retirement. Shige and family would like to thank you for your unwavering love and continuous support throughout the years. It has been a pleasure serving you Kansai cuisine. We are currently finalising the closing process, and our last day is estimated to be mid-January 2025. But guess what…the doors will not be closing! The premise will continue to operate as a Japanese restaurant by a Japanese Chef. More information to come on our socials...
平素は格別のお引き立てを賜り、厚く御礼申し上げます。 さて、突然ではございますが、諸般の事情により1月半ばをもちまして閉店する運びとなりました。 1986年12月Hay street店舗開店以来、皆様には長きにわたるご支援を賜り心より感謝申し上げます。尚 店舗は引き続き日本食レストランとして引き継いでいただくこととなりましたので同様のお引き立てを賜りますようお願い申し上げます。
Opening Hours:
Wed - Sat 18:00 - 21:00
Public Holidays: Closed